50th Anniversary of the National Museum’s excavations at Wood Quay
October 2 @ 1:00 pm
This October the National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology is holding a series of events to mark to the 50th anniversary of the commencement of the last Museum excavations Wood Quay, Dublin.
The excavations of the waterlogged site by the banks of the River Liffey, became one of the largest urban excavation sites in Europe, and uncovered remarkably well-preserved streetscape and artefacts providing detailed evidence of daily life in a medieval town.
Each Wednesday lunchtime in October, an expert will give a talk related to the Dublin site and Europe at that time.
Wednesday at 1pm, 2 October: Dr Patrick F Wallace, former Director of the National Museum of Ireland
Wednesday at 1pm, 9 October: Dr Clare Downham, Professor of Medieval History, Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool
Wednesday at 1pm, 16 October: Anne-Christine Larsen, Director, Viking Fortress Trelleborg, National Museum of Denmark
Wednesday at 1pm, 23 October: Ian Riddler & Nicola Trzaska-Nartowski, Senior Archaeological Small Finds Specialists
Booking essential, email educationarch@museum.ie