想對都柏林嘅歷史同文化遺產多啲了解? 請加入都柏林歷史導賞團。導遊會帶你參觀著名地標同歷史瑰寶,並分享都柏林發展嘅有趣故事。無論你係歷史愛好者,定係想多啲了解呢個城市,呢個步行團都非常啱你。本次導覽會用粵語進行,促進都柏林講粵語嘅居民參與。呢個係一個難得嘅機會,快啲黎參加呢個粵語導覽團啦!
Join us on our journey through time, exploring the city’s vibrant past and cultural heritage. Our tour guide will take you to famous landmarks and hidden historical gems while sharing fascinating stories of Dublin’s development. Whether you’re a history enthusiast or simply eager to learn more about the city, this walking tour is for you. This tour will be conducted in Cantonese language to promote inclusion for the Cantonese speaking residents of Dublin. This is a rare opportunity to see such tour in Cantonese language.
Limited spaces, booking essential.