The Irish Boundary Commission was set up to determine the boundary between the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland. It met for the first time on 6 November 1924. Its chairman was Mr Justice Richard Feetham, a judge of the South African Supreme Court; he was assisted by two Commissioners, Eoin MacNeill, the Irish Free State representative, and Joseph Fisher, the representative of Northern Ireland, appointed by the British government.
The Commission was to take evidence and make recommendations on whether the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State should be altered but the final report of the Commission, completed in November 1925, was never published. Disagreements about its recommendations led to the resignation of the Irish Commissioner.
As a result, no alterations were made to the border. Dublin City Historian in Residence, Cormac Moore will discuss the effects of the commission with Margaret O’Callaghan (Queens University Belfast) and Ed Burke (University College Dublin).
The event will be chaired by Ronan McGreevy.
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