To understand the past of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown is to understand that of all Ireland. ...
Lafcadio Hearn enjoys great acclaim as a literary genius who brought the folklore of Japan...
Meg Connery was a leading figure in the Irish militant suffragette movement of the early...
‘Catherine McAuley and the Mission of Mercy’ exhibition offers visitors a fascinating library of heritage...
This talk by Eunan McKinney, Project Director of The Yeats Sisters Commemoration Project, will explore...
Tour of Arbour Hill Cemetery – “Who were these leaders?”. This interactive tour focuses on...
Tour of Arbour Hill Cemetery – “Who were these leaders?”. This interactive tour focuses on...
**Apologies, registration full** An account of the involvement of certain women in the 1798 Rebellion...
Discover the vibrant history of Dublin Port with Grainne Shaffrey as she explores the groundbreaking...
Tailte Éireann is the state body with responsibility for the property registration system, property valuation...