The felon’s cap is the noblest Crown an Irish head can wear’ – the last letters of Reginald Dunne and Joseph O’Sullivan, the assassins of Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson MP

A cachet of letters in the National Library of Ireland and the National Museum of Ireland reveal the final thoughts of Dunne and O’Sullivan as they await the hangman following their conviction for murder. They were deeply spiritual men who believed they had done the right thing in slaying the man they held responsible for...


Dead of the War of Independence and Civil War in Glasnevin Cemetery

A Lecture will be held by Glasnevin Cemetery's resident historian Conor Dodd focusing on the dead of the War of Independence and the Civil War on Friday, September 30th at 1 PM — followed by a highlight tour visiting the grave of the cemetery’s founder, Daniel O’Connell, the Republican Plot and the resting place of Michael Collins. Note: Includes outdoor tour


Dublin Decoded: A Walk Around Dublin’s Medieval Walls – BOOKED OUT

*This event is now FULLY BOOKED A guided walk around Dublin’s medieval walls, learning about the walls, gates and watchtowers, and the history of Dublin’s medieval era - led by Arran Henderson, of Dublin Decoded Tours. On this route we have copies of old maps using them as a kind of treasure map to locate, rediscover and walk the...


Children’s History Workshop: Dublin’s Secret Symbols

Donaghmede Library is delighted to host a children’s history workshop for children aged 9-12, with Dervilia Roche, Dublin’s first Historian-in-Residence for Children. In this workshop children can explore Dublin’s past, through hidden animals, people and symbols found on buildings, before creating their very own history-inspired sculptures and drawings. The Historian-in-Residence for Children is part of the Creative Residency programme, made by Dublin...


Children’s History Workshop: Dublin’s Secret Symbols

Ballyfermot Library is delighted to host a children’s history workshop for children aged 9-12, with Dervilia Roche, Dublin’s first Historian-in-Residence for Children. In this workshop children can explore Dublin’s past, through hidden animals, people and symbols found on buildings, before creating their very own history-inspired sculptures and drawings. The Historian-in-Residence for Children is part of the Creative Residency programme, made by Dublin...


Guided Tour of Viking and Medieval Dublin – BOOKED OUT

Dublinia, located at the heart of Viking and Medieval Dublin, is a step back in time and a journey through the city as it was back then. Experience what life was like onboard a Viking warship, visit a Viking house, take a trip down a Viking street, and learn of the myths and the mysteries...

The World Turned Upside Down: Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the British Army and the Cause of Irish Freedom (Big Weekend)

Lord Edward Fitzgerald, the British Army, and the battle for Irish Freedom. This illustrated talk begins at the Battle of Eutaw Springs, South Carolina, where Lord Edward Fitzgerald fought in the last battle of the American Revolution. Stella will argue that his journey to republicanism began on that battlefield and continued without interruption until 1798....


Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire 1871-1918 (Big Weekend)

Before 1871, Germany was not a nation but an idea. Its founder, Otto von Bismarck, had a formidable task at hand. How would he bring thirty-nine individual states under the yoke of a single Kaiser, convincing proud Prussians, Bavarians and Rhinelanders to become Germans? Once united, could the young European nation wield enough power to...


The Extraordinary Life of Rose Dugdale (Big Weekend)

The astonishing story of the English heiress who devoted her life to the IRA. She grew up in a Chelsea townhouse and on a Devon estate. She was presented to the Queen at Buckingham Palace as a debutante in 1958. She trained at Oxford as an academic economist and had a love affair with a female professor (who was...
